Halloween – virtual 2020


Due to covid and Fairfax City as well as CDC guidelines, CCHCA will not be sponsoring any in-person Halloween events this year. We are very sad that we cannot do our normal pizza party and trick or treat our way home, but we know many families have already made alternative plans. 

We have come up with some virtual events instead! We are excited to announce that we will have a Jack O’Lantern carving contest (virtual of course!). There will also be a house decorating contest! Let’s see those Halloween decorations for all our kids (and adults!) to enjoy.  Galleries of the contest entries will be posted on this page and on Facebook.

CCHCA will also sponsor a virtual costume contest! We will have various prizes for the following entries:

  • Scary, age 7-12
  • Scary, age 3-6
  • Friendly, age 7-12
  • Friendly, age 3-6
  • Baby
  • Family

To enter the contests, you can simply post your photos to our Facebook page, or you can email them to Katy Johnson, katynor@aol.com

We know some families are planning to trick or treat, and we ask that you do so in a safe, socially distant manner. Please remind our children that if lights are off on the porch, to not knock on those doors. We hope everyone has a wonderful, safe, and enjoyable Halloween! 

Thank you, 



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