Category Archives: Commons

pictures from commons clean-up

Thanks to all that came out to the Commons Clean-up last weekend – David, Jonathan & Susan Pepin, Nancy LeBow, Joan Phillips, Renee & Kon Gokey, Jean Bever, Katy Johnson, Steve & Nasrin Lescure, and Len & Joyce Skoglund. Thanks to the CCHCA Community Appearance Committee (Country Hills Garden Club) for organizing.

See some of the group in action below.


Commons Clean-Up

Thanks to all who came out for the clean-up at the Commons last weekend, as well as those that came out earlier in the year. It’s been a very successful  season. Thanks to Betty Russell and the Garden Club for leading the never-ending effort. 

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get pictures before the leaves started falling all over the freshly laid mulch. But you can still see how nicely our plants are nestled in for the winter.

Steve Lescure – CCHCA President


Betty Russell Going Away

Thanks to everybody who came out to the going away party for Betty Russell.  We had a nice turnout! It was a fitting tribute for all the work Betty has done  over the years at the Commons.  She has done a tremendous job. Thanks to Nancy LeBow and Joyce  Skoglund of the Garden Club for organizing.

A few pictures below. Note the new bench in honor of Betty. Thanks to the CIty for working with us to obtain it.



Commons Work Day – 8/10/2019

Hello CCH Community, 

We will be holding a work day down at the Commons on Saturday, August 10th starting at 9:00 am. We will mostly be spreading mulch.

The Commons is looking better than ever; come be a part of the solution. Stay as long as you can, every bit helps.

Please bring any gardening tools you can:

      – gloves

    – shovel

    – wheelbarrow 

    – garden cart

    – bucket 

Or anything else that might be helpful.

Bring some water, it could be hot. 

Hope to see you there!

Steve Lescure CCHCA President 


Work Day at the Commons – 5/11/2019

Hello CCH Community, 

We will be holding a work day down at the Commons on Saturday, May 11th starting at 10:00 am until we’re done.

We will be spreading a lot of mulch, pulling weeds, planting some new plants. The Commons is looking better than ever; come be a part of the solution.

Stay as long as you can, every bit helps.

Please bring any gardening tools you can:

   – newspaper

    – gloves

    – shovel

    – wheelbarrow 

    – garden cart

    – bucket 

Or anything else that might be helpful.

Bring some water, it could be hot. 

Hope to see you there!

Steve Lescure CCHCA President