All posts by steve lescure

Beauty Spot – April 2020

 …For oft when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They [Daffodils] flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude,
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the Daffodils.

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud –William Wordsworth

For the April 2020 Beauty Spot of the Month, the Country Hills Garden Club is highlighting the many springtime treasures throughout the CCH neighborhood instead of describing a specific garden address.  While you follow our governor’s stay-at-home orders this month, we hope the discoveries you make from your patio chair or along your exercise route will brighten your day. The annual CCH spring flower show in front yards and in the Commons dazzles the senses! Early in April, jewel-toned blossoms crown tulip, daffodil, and bluebell bulbs; andromeda, camellia, and forsythia bushes; and magnolia, cherry, plum, and pear trees. Plush carpets of pastel vinca and creeping phlox spread under green and red-tipped hardwoods. Floating in breezes are the merry melody of songbirds and the sweet, heady fragrance of hyacinth and narcissus. By mid-April, longer days and warmer temperatures cue brilliant redbuds, dogwoods, and azaleas to stage their dramatic performance as the month’s fantastic finale. The seasonal beauty of CCH contributes to the strong sense of place shared by families here. They know that within six feet of separation there are natural wonders to behold!

Anita Johnson and Nancy LeBow  

Country Hills Garden Club


Easter Egg Hunt – April 11 – Cancelled

Please save the date and plan to join us for the annual CCHCA Easter Egg Hunt. The details for this year’s event are as follows:

Date: Saturday, April 11

Time: 10 am

Location: The Commons

What we’ll have: Donuts, coffee and juice  

What to bring: 12 eggs for each kid participating plus a basket or bag to collect eggs

The egg hunt will be broken into three age groups. We’ll start with the four and under crowd around 10:15, followed by the five to seven year olds around 10:30, and finally the eight and older crowd around 10:45. Note that parents will hide eggs prior to each hunt. 

If you have any questions, please let me know!

Katie Lynch




We’re holding our 3rd Annual Fun Bowl

Sunday, 15 February 2019, at 1pm

At Fairfax Bowl

Bowling will cost $14 per person for two games with shoes.

If your family is a paid up CCH member, your cost will be $8 per person

(if you would like to join CCH, please contact Sue Mochinski at

Please RSVP to Leslie Daniels ( by 17 February if you plan to attend and include bowler headcount



2019 Holiday Decoration Contest

The Country Hills Garden Club judges drove through the neighborhood on Wednesday night admiring the holiday decorations. The enthusiasm of our neighbors was inspiring. We were particularly struck by how colorful the displays were this year. To everyone who strung lights, hung wreaths, put candles in their windows, and featured inflatables in their design, thank you for your contributions to the Holiday Spirit of Country Club Hills! In no particular order, here are this year’s winners:

First up are Andrew and Catie Bishop at 3410 Park Hill Place:

We especially liked the bright snowman, the spray of blue lights in front that created a tree form, and the balance of different kinds of lights (cool and warm) used throughout the display.

Next we celebrate Steve and Pam Caruso at 3420 Park Hill Place:

Once again, the focal point is a tree created by strings of lights radiating down the hill from a large, bright star on the house. Pretty red and white candy canes are scattered about, and a family of reindeer stands behind a brightly lighted pathway through the yard.

Roman and Margarita Diaz at 10109 Cornwall Road also are winners:

We liked the variety of elements: lighted reindeer and spiral tree forms on the left, softer blue lights surrounding a bright white angel on the right.

Our next winning neighbor is Bob Keith at 10005 Spring Lake Terrace:

There’s a lot to like here: At the top of the driveway there is a bright inflatable Santa on his sleigh, along with his reindeer; multi-colored lights are strung around the shrubs and along the roofline; and in front is an illuminated Rudolph with his bright red nose.

Finally, we honor Kirsten Youngren and Phil Miller at 10003 Blackthorn Court:

This yard is a true “winter wonderland” of delights! (The photo provides only a small sampling.) There are cute inflatables, a profusion of colored lights woven throughout the trees, and a brightly lighted Christmas tree clearly visible in a window.

Thank you to everyone who participated and made this year so festive, merry, and bright. And to all CCH residents, be sure to drive through the neighborhood and experience the wonder for yourselves.

Happy Holidays to one and all!

Jennifer Judelsohn, Joyce Skoglund, Nancy LeBow, and Joan Phillips
(with special thanks to our honorary member, David Stearman, for his wordsmithing skills)

Commons Clean-Up

Thanks to all who came out for the clean-up at the Commons last weekend, as well as those that came out earlier in the year. It’s been a very successful  season. Thanks to Betty Russell and the Garden Club for leading the never-ending effort. 

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get pictures before the leaves started falling all over the freshly laid mulch. But you can still see how nicely our plants are nestled in for the winter.

Steve Lescure – CCHCA President


November 2019 Beauty Spot

The November, 2019 Beauty Spot of the Month will surely turn the heads of residents and visitors in Country Club Hills. Craig and Lingling Green’s landscape at 3419 Andover Drive demonstrates a winning design with pleasing balance, proportion, and color palette. Its special eye appeal this month is achieved through the harmonious blend of the natural shape and earth tones of stone with the bright shades of autumn. At the side property lines, sunlit golden maple trees glow like torches. The unique rockscape rising across the lawn area creates an attractive screen against traffic at the broad intersection in front of the house. Dry-stacked stone walls accentuate the beauty of a moss-covered bolder and the turning leaves of young ornamental trees. A purple-leaf Japanese maple, a magenta chrysanthemum, plump, orange pumpkins and variegated winter squash serve as a resplendent centerpiece in the yard.   This welcoming fall landscape conveys a warm holiday greeting to all!

Happy Thanksgiving from the Country Hills Garden Club!

Anita Johnson and Nancy LeBow