Beauty spot – may 2021

The Country Hills Garden Club has selected Lori and Mike Salva of 10110 Farmington Drive for the May Beauty Spot.

Lori and Mile live on a corner lot.  Of course, this means that you can see their home from a couple of different directions.  They have made sure that you when you approach from Farmington Dr. and Newbury, your eye is immediately drawn to the bright red bench underneath a magnificent pine tree which is surrounded by hostas, azaleas and resplendent ferns that were from Lori’s grandmother.  They are over 25 years old.

From the front of the house, you are welcomed by chartreuse little gem spirea which follows the hillside of the front yard.  You will also notice day lilies that will be blooming shortly.  Behind the bushes you will find a crepe myrtle that will look marvelous later this summer.

When you walk up the drive toward the front door, you will see a dogwood on the left side of the drive and two adorable bunny figurines on the right.

Lori and Mike have lived in the neighborhood for 10 years and we are so glad they choose Country Club Hills.

Joyce Skoglund

Country Hills Garden Club

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