November, 2018 Beauty Spot

The Country Hills Garden Club is pleased to honor Joyce and Len Skoglund’s landscape at 3415 Country Hill Drive as the November, 2018 Beauty Spot of the Month. As a Gardening Consultant, Joyce is familiar with the elements of good landscape design and the plants compatible with Virginia soil and climate. The Skoglunds have used this knowledge to create spectacular year-round views of flowers and foliage outside their windows.

At the end of the growing season, curving garden beds bordering house walls and walkways feature dramatic differences between plant forms and textures. Prickly needles of upright cactus and conifers are juxtaposed with delicate arching fern fronds.  Symmetrical evergreens overlook shape-shifting ornamental grass. Silvery green sword-like blades of iris and yucca contrast sharply with dark green, oval leaves of camellia and azalea.

Nighttime chills followed by daylight warm-ups bring the panoply of autumn color to the yard. Dogwoods with ruby red leaves shimmering on gracefully posed limbs lure visitors nearer for a close look at garden accents and seasonal transformations. Arbor arches and yard art harmonize with natural shapes and shades. Reddish-purple pods hang from a hyacinth bean vine. Gold-brushed leaves glow on a witch hazel shrub. Bronzed florets crown sedum stems and Joe-Pye Weed stalks.  Yellow and copper chrysanthemums, ornamental cabbages, and pied pansies will brighten urns and borders through the Thanksgiving holiday.

Does this striking landscape inspire you to consider adding something new to your garden? It’s not too late to display a fall-themed wreath or to plant spring-flowering bulbs!

Respectfully submitted,

Anita Johnson

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