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Catherine and David DeConcini, have created a delightful splash of fall color in their front yard at 3412 Park Hill Place, earning them recognition as the October Beauty Spot of the Month.

Dotted with mums, dahlias, and brightly colored seasonal gourds, the DeConcini yard celebrates the arrival of fall. A still-blooming hydrangea anchors the corner bed and the DeConcini’s have added scarecrows, witch hats, and vintage metal bicycle planters, combining to create a whimsical feeling of fall and Halloween. A neatly trimmed house-framing hedge provides a brilliant green backdrop to the playful collection of flowers, foliage, and fall décor.

Vintage metal bicycle planters add a further touch of whimsy, adding to the layers of color with pots of mums in full bloom. Catherine says she loves the old time feel the bicycles bring. And she’s not the only one loving the DeConcini yard. Bees buzz happily among catmint, salvia, and dahlias. Large gourds and a pumpkin nestle among the mums in the stone-rimmed bed.

As Virginia’s summer fades into the chill of autumn, take advantage of the warmth and sunshine, wander past Catherine and David’s yard to enjoy some fall color and whimsy.

Kim Leone and Kirsten Youngren

Country Hills Garden Club

(click picture to enlarge)

August beauty spot

We are glad to present to Craig and Lingling Green of 3419 Andover Street with this month’s Beauty Spot Award.

The yard has been evolving so much in the last couple of years and it is a beautiful work in progress. When you come up Andover where it dead ends into Cornwall, you look directly at their front yard. A wonderful large boulder in a round bed is surrounded by Black-Eyed Susans and Coneflowers and adds a bright splash of color in the center of the yard. To the left is a Japanese Maple, a fuschia Crepe Myrtle and to the right a Cherry tree. All of these areas have had slate/stone walls built around them to define the round beds, which adds both height, depth and balanced dimensions to their yard.

Newer additions include 2 lovely Fig trees and 2 Japanese Snowbells close to the street in the berm area, and we can’t wait to see how they grow in the next few years!

A newer addition with great eye appeal in these days of going greener and growing our own food, is a beautiful arbor with Japanese pumpkins and cucumbers. A great new look as the vines are growing completely over the top!  To each side of the arbor are kumquats and tomatoes in pots.

Of course, the rose garden to the right of the arbor keeps more traditional beauty alive and well, with multiple varieties in the white fenced bed, while surrounded by Bearded Iris, Peonies, Lilies of the Valley, lavender Hydrangeas, and Black-eyed Susans. It has grown so beautifully since it was started!

The front of the house offers its own charm as well, with incredible hostas, whose stems and leaves defy gravity with their size! The diversity is impressive as well, with Nandinas, Cannas, Stargazer Lilies, and a Wisteria climbing up the middle of the wall in the front as well.

This yard is continuing to evolve and we look forward to seeing whatever they do next!



It is a pleasure to present Ray and LeAnne Worley at 3400 Country Hill Drive with the Beauty Spot Award for the month of June.

When you drive by Ray and LeAnne’s home you can’t help but pause and take a long look at the beautifully landscaped yard.  The Worley’s have been working on their yard for a number of years.  They had to deal with some water issues in the front and the back of the home.  They had French drains installed in the back, and in the front, they raised their flower beds and put in a swell to help with the water situation.  You can’t help but admire the raised beds which have stacked stone outlining them.  The swell is an added feature which actually accentuates the beds. You will also find some boulders throughout the landscaping.

On the eight side of the bed that is located across the entire front of the house, you will find a weeping Holly which anchors the corner of the bed.  In the center of the bed is a Japanese Maple and on the left side of the bed is a Pieris Japonica which is showing new growth.

Since the home is located on a corner lot, they have another bed that follows the corner with two native Dogwood trees with blooming Coreopsis underneath the trees.  On the lower side of the house, they have a very large Camillia which I am sure is gorgeous when in bloom.

On the right side of the driveway close to the porch you will find another bed with an attractive pot planted with a large hibiscus tree and lavender on the ground. 

Please take a look at Ray and LeAnne’s home.

Joyce Skoglund

and Joan Phillips

Country Hills Garden Club

Beauty spot – may 2021

The Country Hills Garden Club has selected Lori and Mike Salva of 10110 Farmington Drive for the May Beauty Spot.

Lori and Mile live on a corner lot.  Of course, this means that you can see their home from a couple of different directions.  They have made sure that you when you approach from Farmington Dr. and Newbury, your eye is immediately drawn to the bright red bench underneath a magnificent pine tree which is surrounded by hostas, azaleas and resplendent ferns that were from Lori’s grandmother.  They are over 25 years old.

From the front of the house, you are welcomed by chartreuse little gem spirea which follows the hillside of the front yard.  You will also notice day lilies that will be blooming shortly.  Behind the bushes you will find a crepe myrtle that will look marvelous later this summer.

When you walk up the drive toward the front door, you will see a dogwood on the left side of the drive and two adorable bunny figurines on the right.

Lori and Mike have lived in the neighborhood for 10 years and we are so glad they choose Country Club Hills.

Joyce Skoglund

Country Hills Garden Club

pictures from commons clean-up

Thanks to all that came out to the Commons Clean-up last weekend – David, Jonathan & Susan Pepin, Nancy LeBow, Joan Phillips, Renee & Kon Gokey, Jean Bever, Katy Johnson, Steve & Nasrin Lescure, and Len & Joyce Skoglund. Thanks to the CCHCA Community Appearance Committee (Country Hills Garden Club) for organizing.

See some of the group in action below.